Are you ready to "LivClear II"? 
Call for your options on how
28 Day Detoxification Program

Dr. Bump has successfully prescribed The LivClear Detoxification program to thousands of patients for over 25 years. This life-changing program is both medically based and clinically proven. The “LivClear” Detox program involves the use of a specially formulated medicinal food powder that both supports the liver’s role in detoxification and to improve cellular respiration. In addition to drinking the LivClear formula, an enjoyable meal replacement shake, an elimination diet is prescribed. The dietary guidelines removes offending foods such as gluten, dairy, soy, corn, coffee, alcohol, sugar, chemicals etc. The program is designed to be safe enough to take anyone and everyone through 28 days of complete life-style rejuvenation.  Below are some of the wonderful benefits of this amazing, life-changing program.
The 7 Benefits of Detoxification
  1. Elimination of Toxicants: The LivClear detox formula provides the nutrition and biochemical support for your to liver transform and eliminate toxins from your body.
  2. Improved energy: The LivClear detox formula improves energy several ways. It is specifically formulated to increase how you make energy right down to the cellular level. Because the formula is extremely nutrient dense without extra caloric “baggage” you get more nourishment with less effort.
  3. Breaking food addictions and cravings: During the 28 days program the increased dosing of the LivClear detox formula eliminates addictions by nourishing your cells, all 50 trillion of them, in a way they have never experienced. The formula also works at reducing cravings by keeping blood sugar levels stable and supplying your body with more nutrition than it has ever enjoyed! 
  4. Weight Loss: Although the 28-day LivClear program is not designed or promoted as a weight loss program 90% of participants loose weight. Those that don’t are typically in some metabolic imbalance that can be assessed and treated after the LivClear Detoxification program. 
  5. Hormone Balance: Because hormones are made and broken down in the liver, supporting liver function improves hormone function. Additionally many of the toxins that compete with hormones are eliminated, such as bisphenol-A, which allows hormones to work more efficiently.
  6. Regain Health: We know from thousands of medical and scientific studies that what we eat determines our health outcome. So the better your nourishment, the better your health becomes. It’s that simple!
  7. Establish a Healthy Life Style: Foundation Studies show that we have to repeat a new behavior for 21 consecutive days in order for it to become permanent. The 28-Day LivClear Detox program has been designed with this in mind. As you go through the step by step approach for learning new ways to live a healthy life, you will leave old unhealthy habits far behind. You will finish the program with a clean canvas and a perfect foundation from which you will spring board into better health.
The LivClear Detoxification Program is a wonderful investment in your health!
Call to learn when our next Group Detox Program will be held or for details on doing it on your own with our Functional Medicine Health Coach.

This 28 day program will create a solid foundation for life-style changes that can provide health-enhancing changes for the rest of your life! Although the idea of 'detoxification' may seem daunting, you will soon discover, through this supportive program, that feeling healthy is just a few changes away. And, there are many aspects to your health and life that many benefit and improved as a result!

Costs: Your price: $465.00.  Retail value $590.00  
Includes: 4 containers of LivClear II Detoxification medicinal food powder, 1 bottle of AdvaClear, 4 individual coaching calls per week. Support via email or telephone. 
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